5.2 Magnum Swap Part 20: Still Assembling

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The days of mocks up are gone, from this point forward everything we bolt in is considered final assembly and is being covered in lock-tight and torqued to spec. Five months into the swap and we are getting very close to being able to turn it over and see how it all comes together.

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5.2 Magnum Swap Part 16: Driveshafts


No one expects 5 days of over 90 degree weather in the middle of October, but there are just something we cannot plan for. This week was slow in the shop. After a week of cool weather and rain we were excited for Fall and looking forward to some reasonable shop temperatures. But our excitement was short lived as summer made a comeback. Due to the weather and a member of the shop crew using his entire weekend to move, it was a slow week at Three Thirds Fab.

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5.2 Magnum Swap Part 14: Giant Radiator in a Little Jeep


At 15% larger, 80% thicker, and a 3” electric fan shroud attached to the back our cooling system quickly became a massive unit to squeeze into the front of the TTBWJ. This week we mount the radiator, mock up the intake, and get up close and personal with our transfer cases.

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